Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since my last post. Have I grown older? Have I become happier? Thousand and one thing on my mind but dunno what to say for now. hahhaa... Always in a conflict in my mind. So bimbo. hehhee...

But lots going on in life for sure. Watching that little god-daughter growing and then some--her constant learning and picking up knowledge. Interesting.
Last day in NIE: 19 Feb 2010. Finally have to say goodbye to classmates. A class dinner on that day was filled with many elements: Happy, funny, touching, memorable and poignant. Dunno when is our next gathering.

Some pics for everyone to share.

As seen in the pics. It was our last day in class and also our dinner session at Earls' Swesen in Vivo. And then followed by desserts at Max Brenner.

So as u can see. We are having lots of fun./ will update in awhile.